Wednesday, November 26, 2008

free chicken recipes

When grilling or broiling, the chicken will have a tendency to dry out so it must be watched carefully during the cooking process. Coating the chicken with a little oil or marinating it will aid in preventing it from drying out while cooking. Also, the temperature at which the chicken is cooked and the distance the chicken is from the heat source are both important to tender, juicy, properly cooked chicken.

Here are some tips to get the best out of your chicken.

* Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature to make sure all meats are cooked thoroughly.

* Meat should be refrigerated immediately when you get home, in the coldest part of the refrigerator or in the meat compartment.

* Never place cooked meat on a platter that held raw meat.

* To decrease heat, raise the cooking grid or sprinkle coals with a little water.

* You'll need a nice set of utensils that are well suited for grilling.

* Keep an instant read thermometer near the grill for a quick way of checking when your chicken is done.

* Wait until the chicken is tender and moist before adding any sauces.

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